Retain "Thousands format" when concatenating cells
Hello, I have two cells, "Amount Requested (local)" and "Local Currency Type" that I want to be concatenated in a single cell. I want the amount requested to retain the ",&qu…1 · -
How to only include the update request button in update request emails
Hi, I'm using update requests to manage a review process where users will be conversing via comments on a row in smartsheet, but they will not be going into the actual smartsheet. The Update request …1 · -
End users able to create their own filters on sheets in WorkApps?
I was just trying workapps for the first time and it appears to me that unless you are the admin/owner of the workapp, you can't create a new filter while viewing a sheet in workapps. This makes work…2 · -
Re: Reference Error
Sometimes if you edit reference names things get messed up I've found. I usually delete the reference and start again. You can right click any cell on the main sheet and click "Manage References…1 · -
Automatically adding rows to sheet and automatically nesting them under parent row?
Is it possible to have a rows automatically added to a sheet (for instance from a form on another sheet), and have the rows automatically be nested under the correct parent row on the target sheet? F…1 ·